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Custom Mode

Level 2: Customized MinusX experience + Top use cases

Vivek Aithal avatar
Written by Vivek Aithal
Updated over a month ago

Once you're aquatinted with Basic Mode , you can elevate your experience with Custom Mode . It allows you to have finer control over the context MinusX has access to. Custom instructions in MinusX is similar to custom instructions in ChatGPT or cursorrules in Cursor.

Custom Instruction Tab

You can use Quick Actions to access the custom instructions tab. Remember to save once you modify the instructions!

Pro Tip 1: Custom instructions augment other context from Basic Mode.

Writing the best Custom Instructions

The best Custom Instructions are centered around specific concept - for example, specific projects. Think of it as any information you'd give a new colleague looking at the project for the first time. You can include information such as:

  • Project Name

  • Project description and goals

  • Tables to use for the project, with join information if relevant

  • Specific columns of interest

  • Derived dimensions and measures

  • Special filters to apply on the data

  • Commonly used CTEs (with description)

Pro Tip 2: Markdown is the recommended format to write the Custom Instructions.

Sample Custom Instructions

# Orders by Geography
Effort to understand order behavior by geography, specifically states.

## Tables
- Orders
- People

## Custom Dimensions
1. Region (West coast vs others)
WHEN STATE IN ('CA', 'OR', 'WA') THEN 'West Coast'
ELSE 'Others'
END AS region

Now you can use the information in these custom instructions in your questions.

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